Willowberry Reiki and Wellness

Reiki Energy Healing (Distance)

Reiki Energy Healing (Distance)

Regular price $57.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $57.00 USD
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All Energy services are sliding scale based. Willowberry believes this service should be available to all who seek it.

When booking, if you need priced adjusted, just reach out via E-mail, text, or Dm.

45 - 60 minutes $22-$57

What is distance reiki? How can distance reiki help you?

Distant Reiki sessions work because energy is not limited by distance. Distance is only a physical limitation, so sessions can be done without clients being physically present.

When we consider that we are all energy. You are energy, I am energy, your puppy is energy, the trees are energy. It means that we are all one, we are all energy, therefore we are all connected.

I set the intention for you to receive healing and whatever you need for your highest good, and I reiki, or source energy, healing energy will go to wherever it needs to go. I am not controlling it, I am simply creating the space for your own natural healing. I am not giving energy, nor am I receiving energy, we are sharing energy.

As always with reiki, it is better to try it, than to hear it explained.

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